OBJECTIVE: To lay down the entry and exit procedure for Microbiology Lab in Modern microbiology Ltd. SCOPE: This procedure is applicable for personnel entering into microbiology lab in Modern microbiology Ltd. RESPONSIBILITY: All individuals who are entering in to microbiology lab in in Modern microbiology Ltd must be follow the procedure given in SOP. Microbiology…

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Bacterial endotoxin test

Why Exotoxins are not tested in the pharmaceutical industry?

Pharmaceutical industry Exotoxins are not tested, but the exotoxins also highly antigenic (the substance it can stimulates the body to produce immonological reactions to that substance) proteins. They are produced at a low, constant rate from inside bacteria or are released as a result of lysis of the bacterial cell. Exotoxins can generate powerful antibody…

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How to discontinuing drain monitoring in Pharmaceutical?

Most pharmaceutical companies monitor their drains to ensure product purity and safety. Most regulatory authorities require drain monitoring in sterile facilities.However, none of the regulators have demanded drain testing in OSD facilities.Recently, some OSD and API facilities removed drain testing. However, there is no need to perform drain maintenance in OSD facilities. This should be…

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Can Pseudomonas paraaeruginosa Be Used in Pharmaceutical ?

Psudomonas auriginosa and Psudomonas paraauriginosa both are the same?: No,These are different species belonging to the Pseudomonas genus, with different characteristics in pathogenicity and implications in research or clinical settings. It is necessary to use proper species names to communicate and understand scientific and medical contexts correctly. Although they are similar due to the same…

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Why is 70% IPA used in the pharma industry?

This article discusses a number of pharmaceutical industries that have a clean rooms, controlled environments, and aseptic processing zones.Maintaining the validity of these controlled areas requires regular cleaning, disinfection, and sanitization.To avoid microbial contamination, they use 70% IPA.Generally, 70% IPA is one of the disinfectants that is most frequently used in the pharmaceutical industry. What…

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Isolation and identification of E. coli and Salmonella spp

The Challenge of Isolating E. Coli and Salmonella from Sewers

Isolation and identification of E. coli and Salmonella spp required meterials. Sewage sample, EMB agar medium, MacConkey Agar medium, Nutrient-Agar medium, sterilized laminar air-flow chamber, incubator, hot-air oven, autoclave, weighing balance, refrigerator, sterile petri-plates, sterile test tubes for serial dilution, autoclaved distilled water, L-shaped bent-glass rod for spreading the inoculum, sterile non-absorbent cotton, sterile pipettes,…

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Blood clotting process

Mechanism of clotting in humans. A haematologist is a specialist who examines blood. First, there are two basic ways for understanding blood coagulation: 1. Aglutination: The process of clumping antigens with their corresponding antibodies. 2. Pricepitation: Precipitation occurs when soluble antigens attach to their soluble antibodies at the optimal temperature and pH, resulting in the…

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Blood grouping

Blood is the most vital fluid in the human body, comprising a significant number of red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Generally, blood grouping is categorized into two systems: the ABO system and the Rhesus system. In the ABO system, blood is classified into four distinct types: 1. A Group 2. B Group…

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